Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Latin in Everyday Life

People occasionally scorn Latin students, claiming that Latin is a “dead language.” However, these barbari just do not realize how important and useful Latin is in our everyday lives. Latin can be incredibly useful a tool if people just pay attention to the abundant subtle implications of Latin ingrained here and there in our cultures.

A few weeks ago, I happened to find myself looking over certain medical terms only to find myself in delight over the fact that I could discern the meanings of the words with ease because of my mediocre understanding of the Latin language. This instance motivated me in my Latin studies and affirmed my choice in the language as it is inevitably going to aid me in my future profession in the medical field. Latin can not only aid hopefuls in the medical professions, but also those wishing to pursue careers in law and literature, as certain terminology in all these fields often hold roots in the Latin language.

Every day in Latin class taught by Magister, we learn about uses of specific vocabulary and grammar that increases our understanding of the English language and enlightens us of numerous word origins. I often find myself experiencing minor epiphanies about certain literature or vocabulary that I can now make connections to Latin with, exempli gratia that most of the “witchcraft” and “wizardry” in the Harry Potter series is derived from Latin (severus meaning “strict,” used for none other than Severus Snape). Other examples are words used in our vocabulary, such as illustrate, stellar, visceral, et cetera.

I see Latin everywhere in everyday life, in various literatures and English words, and it is quite self-satisfying to be able to break down such uses of Latin and understand the meanings and origins of the use, thus giving me an upper hand and feel of control over everyone else!

Submitted by Shih-Tzer Dawn

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